Walking Backwards

Hoja ritensko me spomni na to, da je vse tu in koliko časa potrebujem, da to zagledam. Dovoliti si videti največjo predstavo na svetu zahteva obilo drznosti, poguma, iznajdljivosti, ustvarjalnosti, pripravljenosti tvegati in spremeniti se. Dovoliti si občutiti, kako vse teče, kako gre vse mimo hitro, koliko je tega življenja



Artistic Ground Workshop in Bistrica ob Sotli – January 2023

Walking backwards reminds me that everything is already here and how long it takes me to see this. Allowing myself to see the greatest spectacle in the world requires a lot of boldness, courage, ingenuity, creativity, willingness to take risks and to change. To allow myself to feel how everything flows, how everything passes quickly, how much there is in this life.


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